Local Assessments
STAR Reading- Guides Literacy Growth for K-12 students.
STAR Math- Leads students in grades 1-12 to amazing Math achievement.
STAR Early Literacy- Gives K-3 students their best possible start.
State Assessments
Illinois Assessment of Readiness - IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards incorporating the Common Core Standards and will be administered in English Language Arts and Mathematics for Grades 3-8.
Illinois Science Assessment- ISA is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science, as well as incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards. This assessment is administered to Grades 5, 8, & 11.
ACCESS- The enrollment of any new student to the District must include a Home Language Survey. Potential English Learners (ELs) must take the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment (ACCESS).
Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment- DLM-AA are designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations.